Docs Error Library Authentication Errors Error 504-5.7.4: Unrecognized Authentication Type

Error 504-5.7.4: Unrecognized Authentication Type

What Is Causing This Error?

This error typically happens when the email client or application uses an authentication method that the email server does not recognize or support. It’s common with email servers like Office 365 that have strict authentication requirements.

Resolving the Error – Solution

To fix this error, ensure your email client or application settings match the authentication and encryption methods supported by your email server:

  • Check the server’s required authentication settings, such as SSL/TLS, and adjust your email client accordingly.
  • If using Office 365 or a similar service, verify that you’re using supported encryption methods and authentication settings.
  • Updating your email client or application to the latest version can also resolve compatibility issues.

That’s it! Now you know how to troubleshoot and fix Error 504-5.7.4.

If you’d like to learn about other common errors, check out the following tutorials: