Docs Your Account Securing Your Account

Securing Your Account

Want to secure your SendLayer account with Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring further authentication beyond your username and password.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add Two-Factor Authentication to your SendLayer account.

Before you get started, you’ll need:

  • Access to a Two-Factor Authentication app

Securing Your Account With 2FA

First, log in to your SendLayer dashboard. Then, click on Account Settings in the sidebar menu.

Account settings

From here, scroll down to the Two-Factor Authentication section. Here you’ll see an authentication key that you’ll need to add to your authenticator app.


There are two different options for adding your authentication key to your authenticator app. The first option is to scan the QR code.

scan QR code

Alternatively, you can manually input the authentication key provided.

manually add authentication code

After you’ve scanned the QR code or manually added the authentication key, the authenticator app will display a 6-digit code. Go ahead and enter this code in the provided field.

add six digit code

Once you’ve added the code, click the Enable Two-Factor Authentication button.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication button

Next, SendLayer will generate a recovery code that you can use in case you lose your authentication device. Be sure to copy the code and keep it somewhere safe.

copy and save recovery code

If you’ve lost your authentication device or do not have access to your code, you can use the recovery code on login. Click Recover your account to start the recovery.

Recover your account

You will be asked for your Two-Factor Authentication recovery code.

Recovery code entered

After entering your code, click Recover to access your account.

Two-Factor Authentication Recover button

Two-Factor Authentication will now be disabled and will need to be reconfigured.

That’s it! Now you know how to set up Two-Factor Authentication to make your SendLayer account more secure.

Next, would you like to learn about managing other SendLayer account settings? Check out our tutorial on managing your account for more information.