Docs Error Library Email Delivery Errors Error: Email Sending Limit

Error: Email Sending Limit

What Is Causing This Error?

If you configured your site to send emails through a transactional email service provider, you may encounter this error if you exceed the limit imposed by the mailer you use.

SMTP service providers (mailers) often limit the number of emails users can send at a particular time. These limits can apply per minute, hourly, or daily. Once your account exceeds the limit set by your SMTP provider, emails will stop sending on your site until the next available quota on your account.

Resolving the Error – Solution

Note: Your email service provider usually sets email-sending limits, not the SMTP plugin you use.

To resolve this error, you’ll need to confirm the rate limit that applies to your account from the mailer you configured.

Below, we’ve linked the documentation with details about the sending limit for some popular email service providers.

You can always confirm your account’s email sending limit by contacting your chosen mailer’s support. They should be able to provide you with that information.

Generally, if your site keeps running into this error, we suggest upgrading to a higher plan on your email service provider to increase your sending limit.

For example, the SendLayer mailer allows users to send up to 1000 emails monthly on the Starter plan. Upgrading to the Business plan allows you to send up to 5000 emails monthly.

That’s it! Now you know how to fix the email-sending limit issues on your SMTP plugin.

If you’d like to learn how to integrate your site with SendLayer, check out the following docs: